Reach The Youth Uganda (RTY) received a funding from CACTES Association Canada in September 2018 to support out of youth improve their socio-economic status. This report covers the entire Programme of youth economic empowerment in Kashari South area of Mbarara district in south-western Uganda.

The project activities began with assessment of potential beneficiaries in four sub counties and ended with the distribution of goats and piglets to the selected beneficiaries on 8 June 2019 where 54 received their animals. On 9July 2019, other 46 youth also received their animals to make 90. The distribution took place at sub county level and was witnessed by youth leaders, community leaders and a team from RTY led by the Executive Director, Dr Abel Mwebembezi.

Each youth received either one female piglet or one female goat. The project benefited 90 youth both males and females from the four sub counties of Bubaare, Rubaya, Rwanyamahembe and Bukiro in Mbarara District.

By the end of the assessment activity, out of the targeted 92 youth, a total of 90 most deserving youth were selected to benefit from the project from the four subcounties of Bubaare, Bukiro, Rwanyamahembe and Rubaya. Out of 90 youth 48 were males while 42 were females who most deseroved this project. Animals distributed, 56were goats and 34 were piglets.

A memorandum of understanding between the youth beneficiaries and RTY was signed between every IGA beneficiary and RTY committing both parties to specific obligations that will promote the sustainability of the project. The MOU was also endorsed by the chairperson LC III of the respective sub counties. Local leaders and RTY representatives shall keep on monitoring the beneficiary youth to ensure that animals are looked after well and are benefiting the family. The beneficiary youths are expected to look after those animals well so that they can multiply and be a source of income for the youth and their immediate family members. In the long run, this project is expected to eradicate poverty and prevent the youth from getting involved in risky and negative behaviors that put their lives at risk.

Regular monitoring of the economic empowerment Programme will continue to take place among the beneficiaries during the first 2 years of the project. Follow up meetings between RTY staff and the youth beneficiaries with their care givers to keep RTY updated on the progress of the project.

The youth who received pigs shall return to piglets at 6 months’ age to the project and give them to other two youth in the same area. Therefore, this will have a much wider multiplier effect.  The youth will be organized into an association to enable them access extension services other support.