Institutional Capacity Building Project

Reach the Youth Uganda

The Institutional capacity building Project was funded by World Wide Fund for Nature, (WWF-Uganda) and is implemented in Western Uganda, Kasese district. WWF has funded RTY since 2014 and the first project supported RTY to build her institutional capacity through reviewing her current; and formulation of new policies. RTY conducted a capacity needs assessment and used the results to prioritize its areas of need in terms of policy formulation. As a result of this funding RTY

  • Developed the 3rd strategic plan 2016-2020;
  • Reviewed the Human Resource Policy
  • Reviewed the Finance policy
  • Developed a Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
  • Developed a Communication Strategy.
  • Developed Fraud Policy
  • Developed Procurement and Disposal Policy
  • Developed Conflict Resolution Policy
  • Developed Safety Health and Environment Policy (SHE)
  • Developed a Staff Development Policy among others).
  • Installed a QuickBooks accounting Soft ware