Our Partners

Current Partners


Project detail


These partners are currently supporting RTY with the SOCY program that targets youth aged 14-24 in Kyenjojo district. RTY is training OVC in life skills, vocational skills, agro-enterprises so that they are able to sustain themselves and their households economically.

Washington University in St. Louis, ICHAD

This is a collaboration on a study covering 3,000 pupils aged 7-13 years in greater Masaka in 30 primary schools to address child mental health burden under the SMART Uganda project.

New York University

This is a research collaboration that is done alongside Washington University that is implemented in Uganda, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa under the SMART objectives. It also addresses serious disruptive child behavioral challenges. It is also implemented in partnership with New York University.

Past Partners


Project detail

Columbia university International center for Child Health and Asset Development (ICHAD)

Bridges to the Future Project- RTY trained in school 687 AIDS orphaned children from 32 primary schools in greater Masaka region in IGA to build their socio- economic status with support of government extension workers and banks. (received almost same amount since 2012)

Civil Society Fund- CSF

Increasing access and utilization of HIV and AIDS services for women living with HIV and Most at Risk Population project  was implemented in Kasese district in in 5 sub-counties  with support of health department, local leaders, peer educators and volunteers. Was implemented with a partnership.

Independent Development Fund-IDF

Human Rights Project- The Human Rights Advocacy project created awareness about human rights abuse and violations against women and children in Kalangala and Kasese districts with support of duty bearers.

Nike Red and King Baudouin Foundation- Belgium

After 2010 world cup, RTY received support to fight HIV
and AIDS among in and out of school youth using sports
Youth underwent sensitization and HIV testing before
Matches and those found HIV+ were referred for services.

Kitchen Table Charities Trust (KTCT)- UK

The Water; Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Project provided the Children with reliable water supply and improved sanitation through installation of two rain water harvesting tanks and construction of VIP Toilets for orphanages.

International Development and Relief Foundation-IDRF- Canada

Improving income and nutrition of AIDS affected families’ project for 150 AIDS affected families and 600 orphans was implemented in Kalangala. The aim was to enable them access basic needs especially health care, clothing, food and education.

World Wide Fund for nature (WWF-Uganda)

The institutional capacity building project was designed to strengthen the capacity of RTY to
enhance delivery of services
By developing a Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy, Communication Strategy and review her Strategic Plan 2011-2015.